Scottish Cinemas and Theatres

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Bridge Place

Exterior image above courtesy of Emma Mykytyn

Opened in 1898 as the Palace Theatre, seating 1800 over two tiers. Films introduced in 1911. Interior rebuilt 1931, 2000 seats. Ballroom from 1959, and nightclub since 1976.
Photo here from Sept 2006, courtesy of Mike Wood.
Top three archive photos below courtesy Jim Brooks.
Lower three images are of the void area created when the stalls area first became a ballroom.
They were taken in 1985 by Alan Rennie, who has kindly allowed us to use them.
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Gallery of more images of the interior from 1985 here.
Unless otherwise specified, all photographs and other material copyright (c) 2001 - 2020 Gordon Barr and Gary Painter.
All rights reserved. Permission for use elsewhere normally granted, but please ask first
No attempt is made to infringe any existing copyrights or trademarks. Please contact the editors in case of any queries.